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Do you often suffer from fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems and/or other complaints that you and often do not find the doctor’s cause? Then it may be good that you suffer from candida overgrowth, a fungal infection that often results from a disorder in the intestinal flora. In this blog, you will read what symptoms Candida can recognize and what you can do.

In this article:

  • What is Candida and how does it develop?
  • Causes of Candida
  • Candida symptoms
  • Candida test
  • Is Candida To Cure?
  • Why is a healthy intestinal flora important?


candida spit testCandida albicans is a fungal infection that can occur in various parts of the body, including intestines, mouth and throat, vagina, penis, and skin. A candida infection usually occurs due to a disorder in the flora of the site where fungal infection occurs. Both in the gut and the mouth and/or throat, in the vagina, on the penis, and the skin are different types of yeasts that live in harmony with ‘good’ bacteria. However, if the flora in these organs is impaired by, for example, an attenuated immune system, use of antibiotics or an unhealthy diet, and the number of “good bacteria” is greatly reduced, yeast candida can grow into a fungal infection ( Odds et al., 1987 [1]).

The place where candida occurs most often is in the intestines and/or vagina. Most women have ever had a vaginal Candida infection in their lives (Edwards, 2004 [2]), and about 75 percent of them have to do with them during their fertile years (Mitchell, 2004 [3]). Candida infection may lead to all kinds of additional health problems including fatigue, insomnia, bloating and weight gain (Crook, 1986 [4]). Also called candida in the mouth and throat, often called sprout, occurs frequently and is recognized by white-yellow spots on the lips, tongue, inside of the cheeks or on the palate (Cannon et al., 1995 [5] ).


The candida is in everybody’s body, but is kept in check by the “good bacteria”. Only when the “good bacteria” gets into the minority can this yeast grow into a fungus, we talk about candida overgrowth.

The wild growth of candida does not just occur, usually, one or more causes are underlying, such as:

  • A sugar and carbohydrate-rich diet: yeast needs sugars to multiply (Nickerson et al., 1953 [6])
  • Medicine use: Known causes of candida are antibiotics because they kill not only the “bad” bacteria but also the “good” bacteria. Also, contraception pills and corticosteroids may promote fungal growth (Seligmann, 1953 [7])
  • Weakened immune system: A person who has flu or another disease is more susceptible to fungal infections because often the number of ‘good bacteria’ has been greatly reduced (Truss, 1981 [8]).
  • Body saturation (pH): A healthy body is somewhat basic. However, due to unhealthy nutrition, chronic stress, diseases, and exposure to toxic substances (eg heavy metals and detergents) and/or hormonal imbalances (eg due to menopause and hormone fluctuations during the menstrual cycle) the body may become too acidic, Causing “good bacteria” to be killed and yeasts can multiply rapidly (O’Hara, 2006 [9]).


Many different and varied symptoms can be a sign that you suffer from candida (Crook, 1986 [10]). The 24 most common symptoms that may indicate that you have candida are:

Fatigue or lethargy
Feeling exhausted
Memory weakness
Unreal feeling
Sensitivity, burning feelings
Muscle pain
Muscular weakness, paralysis
Joint pain and/or joint swelling
Abdominal pain
Suspended belly, flatulence (gas formation)
Flu vaginitis, itching
Libido overlap
Endometriosis or infertility
Cramps and/or other menstrual problems
Premenstrual tension
Crying or anxiety attacks
Cold hands or feet, and wedge feeling
Beaver, if you are hungry
Also, there are at least 34 additional symptoms that may be associated with candida, such as:

Irritation or nervousness
Difficulties with coordination
Lack of concentration
Variable moods
Dizziness, equilibrium loss.
Press over the years, feeling like the head is set up
Rapid bloating
Chronic skin rash or itching
Sensitivity, tingling
Indigestion or stomach acid problems
Sensitivity or intolerance to foods
Mucous stool
Rectal itching
Dry mouth or throat
Rash or blistering in the mouth
Bad breath
Unpleasant odor of feet, hair or body (washing does not help)
Chronic nasal congestion or runny nose
Itchy nose
Sore throat
Laryngitis, loss of voice
Pain or tension in the chest
Pieces or dyspnoea
Often urge to urinate
Burning feeling when urinating
Stains in the eyes or irregular vision
Regular colds or chronic bronchitis
Burning or tearing eyes
Recurrent ear infections
Foreign or deafness


Candida test If you recognize yourself in one or more of the above 56 symptoms then you could start with this free online candida test. In this test, you enter a questionnaire, which you send to us online. Of course, the test is completely confidential and data will not be stored anywhere. Based on your answers we will conduct an analysis. Should we conclude that you may suffer from candida overgrowth, we have all kinds of tips, advice, and information for you to get rid of your candida.

It does not mean that you have Candida overgrowth if you have certain candida symptoms, there may also be a variety of imbalances in the intestinal flora that lead to those complaints. In that case, we also have advice and tips for you because the symptoms indicate that your intestinal flora needs some attention.


People who often suffer from candida often get to know their doctor that they should learn to live with them more or less. This is because most doctors treat fungal infections with medicines such as anti-fungal creams, antifungal shampoos and/or fungicides, which only fight the symptoms and do not remove the cause. Treating a candida infection, however, is only a lasting success if you treat it at the source, and usually by adjusting your diet to make your intestinal flora healthy again. It’s very simple because if your intestinal flora is healthy, a candida yeast never has the chance to grow into a fungal infection.


Healthy intestinal flora is essential for good health, and not just for the prevention of fungal infections. Indeed, the “good bacteria” in the intestines still have many other important functions, including:

  • Promoting a strong immune system. A healthy intestinal flora supports and enhances the immune system, not only in your digestive system but throughout the body as it helps in the production of antibodies to pathogens: about 80% of all cells in your immune system are in the digestive tract! Besides, a healthy intestinal flora ensures that your nutrients are well-absorbed, which again contributes to a strong immune system (Steinhoff, 2005 [11]). The “good bacteria” digest and absorb certain types of starch, fiber, and sugars and convert them into important energy sources and nutrients (Sears, 2005 [12]).
  • Protection against allergies. Good bacteria make your immune system better able to distinguish between pathogens and harmless antigens and to respond appropriately. This is an important mechanism that prevents the immune system from reacting too strongly to harmless antigens, which are the source of allergies (Huffnagle, 2010 [13]).

Have you just done the free online candida test and did not receive the results yet? In the meanwhile, start the transition to a healthy diet.

The first step you can put is to drink green smoothies; What that is and how to make them can you read in my blog “18 Benefits of green smoothies”. Looking for recipes for healthy meals, please check if my book “Superfood Recipes” is yours.