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Vinegar for yeast infection. How to use it effectively

Vinegar for yeast infection. How to use it effectively

The health condition that goes by the name yeast is referred to medically as Candidiasis. This is a condition that results when a Fungus called candida Albicans grows on different parts of the body, both internal and external. Although Vinegar for yeast infection is usually prominent on the skin, some areas of the body that can be affected by such infections include the mouth, intestines, skin and the vagina in women. There are a lot of causes that encourage the growth of this bacteria but the most popular one is excessive consumption of antibiotics.

Yeast infections are known to last for a long time especially in such circumstances where they aren’t treated on time. Apart from lasting for a long time, another thing about yeast infections is that they can be hard to cure if the treatments are administered late from the date of inception. The common treatment for yeast infection usually prescribed by a lot of general practitioners is antifungal medication, the most popular one being corticosteroid cream.

Nevertheless, although antifungal medications are ideal, natural remedies for yeast infections are also popular and fare better. One such natural remedy is the administration of yoghurt on affected areas. The reason why yoghurt works in the treatment of yeast infection is that yoghurt is known to be a probiotic that is influential in the development of bacteria that is effective in stopping the spreading of the candida Albicans reducing its effects thereafter.

Vinegar for yeast infection

Apart from yoghurt, another natural remedy that can be used to treat Vinegar for yeast infection. Depending on the area of infection, vinegar has been proven to be such an efficient remedy against Yeast infection such that prominent medical institutions such as the University of Maryland Medical Centre even endorse and recommend it.

Here is how Vinegar can be used in the treatment of yeast infection as per the area affected.


When candidiasis occurs in the mouth, white creamy lesions are seen on the inner cheeks. These lesions are popularly referred to as oral thrush. With time, if not carefully and promptly treated, these lesions will spread until they reach vital parts of your digestive system such as your gums, tonsils and will eventually begin forming on the roof of your mouth. To use vinegar as a treatment, you should dilute 2 teaspoons of vinegar and mix with 8Oz of pure water and swish in your mouth. Vinegar has antiseptic properties which mean by doing this 3 times a day, you will eventually get rid of the infection.


Yeast infections on the skin normally occur on the groin and in between joins and fold areas such as between the toes, the back of the knee and other parts. To see the yeast infection on the skin, you should look for rashy areas and apply the vinegar directly to those infected areas. You can also mix 2 cups of vinegar in a warm bath that has enough water to enable you to immerse yourself fully for at least half an hour.


Intestinal infections of yeast can be noticed by excessive and severe belching, increase in irritability and headaches. To get rid of such you can dilute 2 tablespoons vinegar with 8 oz water and drink. The vinegar will fight off the infection in the intestines.


An estimated 75% of all women are estimated to be affected by vaginitis at some point in their lifetime. When infected by yeast, some of the common symptoms that are experienced includes itching, burning and redness especially in the external areas of the vagina. To treat yeast infections on the vagina using vinegar, you should dilute it with fresh water as a douche and apply it to the affected area twice a day using cotton.

So, if you are looking for natural remedies against yeast infections, vinegar might prove to be useful to you.